Video 1 15 October 2011: Vancouver, BC, Canada joins the worldwide Occupy Vancouver Movement at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The movement has taken the form of a protest, however the participants are aware that it in itself is not a means to an end as much as it is an open forum for the discussion regarding the need to restructure society. Video 2 19 October 2011: Five days into the “occupation”, discussion amongst Occupiers continues into the night as music plays. At one point, celebrity musician Tom Morello stops by and speaks to the gathered crowd. VideosĀ 3 and 4 22 October 2011: Seven days into the “occupation”, a large crowd gathers to listen to Canadian environmental icon David Suzuki give a speech. Afterwards, a march to occupy the “top five” largest Canadian banks is planned, with the intent to have protesters close their accounts. As the Occupiers grow more bold in their occupations, the banks respond by calling for a higher police presence, making for a tense situation inside Vancouvers main TD Canada Trust branch. The Occupiers respond by using the collective decision making techniques that they have been developing over the past week. Split into two parts: Read More